Want to Help?

Most people want to know they matter – that their experience, efforts and financial resources make a difference in the world. Here’s a few ways you can help:

  1. Contribute your tax-deductible gift by visiting www.paypal.com, logging in, and sending whatever gift you’d like to alise@alisecortez.com with a comment it’s for Purpose on Fire.
  2. Want to join our team of experts helping to unleash the purpose and dreams of our clients? Send us a note via our chat function and tell us why you want to help and how you think you can.
  3. Attend our Purpose on Fire – Light My Fire gala on Saturday, November 9, 2019 and celebrate the launch of purpose and the difference it has made to the community served, and the person who discovered purpose. You will leave inspired for the possibilities of your own life and grateful your financial gift made such a difference to the clients Purpose on Fire serves.